Thursday, January 7, 2010

The final semester of my undergraduate career begins tomorrow. That is unsettling on so many levels...

But on a higher level, one to which I try to elevate myself more often than not, it's exciting. After this semester, everything changes... so many new possibilities, new beginnings... just new everything happening to same old me.

Same old me is overwhelmed at times by all of these new prospects and endless number of question marks. Like this evening. I was alone in my apartment, freezing from this dismal weather, sniffly on account of a wretched cold and generally just feeling isolated. Those ugly question marks swooped in on me like a pack of dogs on a wounded animal... they could smell the fear...

Now, after a call to a friend (in which I became whiny and sappy and just plain pathetic), I am righted. A little disappointed in my momentary lapse of weakness, but glad that my rebound time is improving. Same old me is still overwhelmed but remembering to take each day as it comes.

As for the future, I'm just going to focus on the exciting side of things, like... my new internship, through which I'm going to learn SO much (if I put in the work); not having to worry about grades as much (GPA is pretty solid); graduating in May; the endless possibilities afterward...

But still, one day at a time.

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